Friday, August 6, 2010

QQ farm and what the best deal uggs for cheap

1, the fastest way to upgrade is the cultivation of white radish,uggs for cheap, for friends and more are stolen every day, and not short of people;

2, the fastest way to make money is to plant most expensive crop seeds is not recommended for apples;

3, office workers planting plan:

(1) 8:30 planted radish, 10 hours mature; (2) nights 18:30 to plant corn, 14 hours maturation.

Let me say first, ah, kind of what the most money, of course, radish, the following trick to make money ::::::

1, more friends, especially the high grade;

2, select the time to steal food, usually 6:30 to 8 pm prior to the QQ, and many crops are less familiar, more stuff to steal, BT points, players can set alarm to remind receive food;

3, fertilizer should be used early, if the yellow diamond, get 5 bags of fertilizer per day, you can see a mature crop is even worse when the use of 1 hour, this time people thought you were not done, you can harvest with a fertilizer a;

4, also decorated with the Q points can be added to those buying experience ...

5, Next is to open a small number n, to a large up grass, insects large clear, but oh to be deft on hand, or to others for help it!

6, friends more, behind only the rich open land,ugg boots australia, or else there will be no money to buy the late senior seed to embarrassing situations!

loss if you do not want your food, please keep dogs, a 5000 game coins, but its use statistics Q points to buy food, no food it will not help you look good dishes ... A snobbish dog ...
tell you first of all very positive, light kind of white radish and each growth stage of the use of chemical fertilizers, upgrade the fastest.

four white radish growth cycle. Total growth of 10 hours. Fertilizer can be used four times. The actual growth time 6 hours. Experience 20. Plus all the sub-+3 experience. Shovel out crops have been harvested +3 is 6 hours 26 experience. You can use the same method under the other crops. Much faster access to experience faster than species of white radish.

use of fertilizers to 40% shorter growth cycle. Growth rate in effect equivalent to experience an increase of 40%.

As worthwhile. Such things are level first. High level,MBT Shoes Sale, to more upgrades faster. And want to make money, then there are only 14 more than a high yield crops. These stores can be found
money, as long as enough open land can be. More useless.

, of course, the only disadvantage of this method is. You basically have to remain online.

help friends weed killing white experience at the 150 cap
we follow the 24-hour experience, with 24 hours of harvest to count money.
24 小时 experience = 24 hours / growth cycle * gain experience
24 小时 income = 24 hours / growth cycle * Net income

Note: 1, if the first quarter of double-cropping crop growth cycle = cycle + re-maturity cycle, the harvest experience should be doubled;
2,ugg outlet store, net income = projected income - seed capital (if double cropping crops, net income = expected income * 2 - seed capital)

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each species according to the above formula to the 24-hour experience,ugg outlet, with 24-hour harvest count out the money, you will find the following rules:

the lower level of the crop, 24-hour experience, the higher the lower 24-hour money; level the higher the crop, the lower the 24-hour experience, the higher 24-hour money. That is the experience of white radish in the 24-hour maximum (36 experience / 24 hours / trees), 24-hour money, the lower (353 money / 24 hours / trees); Yin Tao minimum 24 hours of experience (experience in 20 / 24 / trees), the higher 24-hour money (3544 money / 24 hours / trees)
Some people might ask, is not always the fastest leveling in the turnip? It can only be half right. If you simply look at the words of 24-hour experience, white radish is the highest, but the money can be used to buy the props, the same time get experience, if the monetary benefit to replace the 24-hour money, then the higher the grade the higher the total experience! (Eg, Yin Tao's 24-hour money money income = 3544 / 24 / trees, you can buy a 1 / 3 kennel (the experience of a kennel of 160), so Yin Tao of the total experience of about 24 hours = 70 much higher than the 24-hour white radish total experience).
recommended games are played:

1,10 level before, just kind of turnip fast leveling, rushed 10. Because at this time Qionga no money to buy experience,discount ugg boots, experience alone is more than white radish,ugg store, upgrade fast. If there is surplus, can be used to open land.

2, to 10 after the kinds of crops together with the same level, the money to buy open land and experience. Should be said that double cropping crop is more able to get rich, nine of the 24 hours of pure pumpkin money income = 465, and 10 of Apple's net financial income 24 hours = 1304! So that kind of economic take-off on the double cropping crop marks, and have money! (But they are almost equal to their experience in 24h!)
A little more than just my humble opinion, biases urge correction!


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