Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Interview with Yu Yongfu UC browser will support both Flash and HTML5 ugg classic Tall

Sina Technology News May 19 pm news, Good vision technology (UC) technology, today released support for Flash10 UC browser 7.2 version. You, as the technology CEO Yu Yongfu told Sina science and technology, said an interview on Flash technology choice should be left to users to make their own judgments, but the next step will be to increase UC browser HTML5 support.

video interview with Yu Yongfu Media Source: Sina Technology

excellent release, as the superior technology, as the browser technology, today released version 7.2 UC has Flash games, a key micro-Bo, campus network acceleration capabilities, and happy farms SNS social interactive Flash games and applications to all-round support.

Yu Yongfu subsequent dialogue with the Sina Technology revealed that the reason of the Flash technology took two years to support research and development is difficult because of the technological development far beyond previous expectations. Previously published although UC browser can play Flash video, but actually support the Flash6 standards, but the game is Flash10 commonly used technique.

some time ago, including Apple, Google and several companies, including Adobe, Flash and the potential application around issues such as the intense battle, but clearly Flash technology in the Internet and mobile Internet applications are not in minority.

\Yu Yongfu recommends that companies and big brothers do not try to lead the development, but should allow users to make their own choices, the user is to determine the power industry.

In fact, according to UC browser cloud computing architecture, now technically have been able to achieve using Apple's platform, Flash, but because of policy limitations of this technology could not be launched. Yu Yongfu stressed that once the lifting of the Flash as long as Apple's restrictive policies, \

learned,ugg classic Tall, UC browser has begun to plan follow-up versions, supports multiple standards such as Flash and HTML5.

in the recently completed \But Yu Yongfu said that this pressure did not come from investors and shareholders, but from the growing team, he said, as only the superior technology brought down the pressure will be released.

data from the superior visual technology, the current UC browser has been downloaded more than 300 million, over 100 million global users, the monthly frequency of use over 40 billion. According to the present arrangement,ugg outlet store, the superior team to the end of the year as the technology will exceed 800 people, of which about 75% of employees are engaged in technology research and development. (Meng Hung)

The following is the text SAN interview Yu Yongfu Record:

Sina technology: you Sina's friends Hello everybody, this is face to face Sina science and technology programs, today we You, as the technology company,uggs sale, next to me this is excellent, as the technology CEO Yu Yongfu. Yongfu Hello.

Yu Yongfu: Hello, everybody.

Sina Technology: Today we launched a new product, it may have undergone two years of technical support from an interactive Flash game technology, but we know that actually support the previous version of the Flash Video view, why it took some time to support launch of Flash games, where the difference here, please tell us.

Yu Yongfu: Today we launched the UC 7.2 version of the Flash 10's support, I am speaking from a technological innovation that it started with in 2004, when we use cloud computing infrastructure when , mobile browser innovation is an equivalent order of magnitude. Consider the support to do this time in 2008, when we the future of the whole mobile Internet such a thought, first, 3G in 2008, when we think that will start soon, 3G there are several issues to be solved The first one is terminal, the second is the network, and the third is the tariff.

three issues are resolved in the back to solve the problem? At that time we thought the PC from narrowband to broadband Internet, changes in time, probably from between 2002 to 2004, a change in the back of broadband applications which lead to more and more rich, need a very important breakthrough in the performance force a breakthrough. Broadband Internet like the back of Flash video, the domestic video breakthrough in video, Flash technology is a breakthrough in performance due to power differences. In 2008 we also see Flash Game, including the United States, China, Tencent Facebook, a series of campus companies. Community-based games developed very quickly, we made a judge, that is the future in mobile phones for Flash video, for the SNS in the community, and the game will be mobile Internet, especially in the broadband mobile Internet, an important application.

This time we should take into account, we in China different from Japan, the performance edge in the mobile phone is not yet a breakthrough, we are determined to support Flash. In this process, far more than we originally expected for the difficulty of Flash technology, the results look in two years time. In the process, before we released support for Flash video, there is another one with about Flash 10 What is the difference today. Flash in the mobile phone has the Flash Lite equivalent of a support for Flash 6, but we SNS Flash 10 games, most of the application, the first version to support to Flash 6, Flash 7, this support to Flash 10, difference here.

Sina technology: This is a technical progress. We, as an ordinary user would like to know, a cell phone now if UC with a new browser, such as I would like to play games on my mobile phone charges or to life will be affected?

Yu Yongfu: This is a good question. If our phone performance is good enough, if our bandwidth is fast enough, we will worry about the problem? On two issues, the fees are not too expensive, you can see the rates drop 3G, but it is charging by traffic, is still very expensive for us, and we support in Flash 10 is still used on cloud computing structure, to a large flow of Flash 10 video's content conversion, change of a very low traffic, so if traffic flow has thought the issues we technically to resolve, as the lower.

second, is not power. Phone after the application of so-hyun, not an hour of no power of it, if there is electricity an hour, then it is hard to say a cell phone. You play the game how long the process does not operate if we do energy, the flow of consumption, lower consumption of the display, we have done a lot of technical arrangements, resulting in traffic management to do your best , do the best for power management.

Sina technology: so do not worry too much. You just said Flash technology breakthrough is a breakthrough, the latest controversy for a lot of Flash technology, including Apple has not support Flash, including their CEO wrote to attack, as your point of view, this is what Flash technology trends in the future? We are talking about a more open platform technologies such as HTML5, your future technology in this area, for example, in 2008 you have a pre-sentence, you tell us about trends.

Yu Yongfu: Flash is a very important performance technology, it is undisputed in the PC, but the mobile Internet, in particular, has aroused much controversy recently, Apple's CEO on April sent an open letter iPhone does not support Flash, 5 月份 Adobe founder of the apple you destroy the entire Internet, Google5 month said, I want the next version, Android2.2 support Flash, but did not say the specific version of a few elders around the world play here have bee.

For us not consider the stand in question,cheap uggs, we consider the mobile phone user needs is what mobile phone users now have a very clear need for SNS communities need these games, and now PC is Flash 10 do, and we renewed down, and now we both stand team resolve to say. Our version is to the back of the HTML5 compatibility, this is how the whole development of the industry is how do we do. In this case we think the other dimension is that industry must consider one thing, that is, the views of users, not all of the stations because of another job led to what direction I want to lead. Now users are actually very familiar with Flash, there are so many rich applications, we should consider Yonghu do choose, The Flash, Yong Hu Yong and Bu Yong, users use the more the industry trends that have started for a walk Fang Xiang We first meet the users say.

Sina technology: many of my friends are very worried now, now the Apple device does not support Flash, we can not provide a software to be satisfied?

Yu Yongfu: We are a little more happy, UC technology accumulated through the previous years, worldwide popularity was gradually increased. In fact, Apple's browser is more sensitive, we are also the first application as a browser on the APP Store, and just yesterday, our version of the iPhone has a very significant upgrade, but also through the Apple approval, this upgrade includes For WAP support, support for the standard screen, and a series of much-needed demand for Chinese users.

but we have that phone in Apple's lower-end hardware performance, in 2G networks have solved the Flash 10, definitely not a technical matter, and certainly can not be commercially approved We will strive, as we have for the first time in Apple's App Store approval process, I remember the impression of being rejected at least three times, but we always adhere to. Flash back to Apple's support we will continue our efforts. Apple's day to open the policy, we believe that UC will be able to support the next day.

Sina technology: We also look forward to that day, or Apple to make a decision. Before we know there is a small storm, your new browser will have some of the above in some applications like, say, on such block, Sina five companies here that have signed an open competition, promoting mobile Internet protocol, will This agreement will bring the entire industry what kind of a role in promoting the other, according to UC in terms of partners will be undertaken as what kind of cooperation?

Yu Yongfu: the mobile Internet industry today compared to several leading companies, including such as Sina, Thousand Oaks, Baidu, happy that we signed a written proposal five, we have initiatives in the first mobile Internet applications to protect the interests of users, not to kidnap the user to punish the user. The second is to promote application of the Internet is an open environment. In fact, the word for opening my own interpretation of such areas, I am convinced that liberalization Ben Shen of the first layer of meaning is necessary to leave the choice users, which we must Zunchong the interests of users, we can not Tongguochengfa users, kidnapping user mode, which 10 years have seen the development of the Internet, and users must be the last owner.

second opening, we want to encourage competition, to encourage healthy competition, as an industry, if not fully healthy competition, the efficiency of the industry will not be a maximum, of course, we can not see a industry only one company, like many of today's state-owned monopolies in China, as you will see a lot of problems. Will not appear on the Internet such a monopoly situation? Certainly would have hurt the industry. Third, we need to consider how the industry a bigger pie,kids ugg boots, if it is an industry do not scale up the business, only 50%, meaning very small. If we cooperate together through open, the industry can do big, including big in China, including in the global big, mobile Internet, we have this opportunity, enlarging it, I believe everyone is the winner.

Sina Technology: opening up the future of this is a big trend. We are very concerned about the UC personal growth, long before the UC received a mobile Internet in the history of the largest single investment, the new shareholders and new investors have come forward on the road for the UC to bring more pressure, such as have to be returned require listed? As listed in the profit and there are no more in this regard to consider?

Yu Yongfu: pressures I was growing, but pressure from investors and shareholders are not, in fact, this band from the hundreds of brothers. Today this team because we have more resources, we quickly grew, and now UC colleagues have more than 600 people, to the end of today we have more than 800 people around. Each face of this 600 colleagues when I know I face a 600 expected in the industry has more potential and better treatment, they remain in the UC, UC common goal is to bring up the child, This represents 600 families hope. For me, this is a very big responsibility, responsibility is the pressure, only in the UC this child brought up, I believe that hundreds of our colleagues who wish they complete each time, this pressure will release down.

Sina Technology: You just said that the team is still expanding. In addition, we noted that, despite the financing of the following do you think the key is to take care of your talents, you also mentioned before, the Internet industry for good, on the mobile Internet Yehao,cheap australia ugg boots, only the user can accumulate to a certain extent, is not because UC's browser is the world's first users, so users can not focus on the expansion, but rather on the top talent, we are task or period of development, the focus should be, or market development that regard, how do you balance the two those relations?

Yu Yongfu: Actually, this is a ball on three sides, were three words, the ball side of the word is the user, the other side is written products, as well as hand writing talent, this is actually a sphere. Before any conclusion we call start-up companies over three hurdles, the first product off called off, the second hurdle called market relations, and third, call management relations. Internet users who want to pursue more, the greatest things to move the user what is it? Not to say how much money your family, but that you can not give a good product. Because today's Internet is the IT industry, tertiary industry is the IT service industry, we can not produce a standard product, not the manufacturing industry is service, when you need your services into the industry's most advanced. Services by whom? Your colleagues, your talent, only you have a good talent to produce a good product, before we can develop the most users, this is a sphere of the three sides.

Sina Technology: We note that UC is not just a browser, it also plays a lot of the desktop many products. The future you will be how the product layout considerations? In addition, other products on you, how much sense in the end, can not simply describe the situation?

Yu Yongfu: UC in their own products to do the core has been focusing on the strategy to do such a subtraction method, the subtraction of the process we clear one thing, UC do? UC do is to help users quickly access the tools and platform for such services. Users quick access to the Internet, we are doing three products are consistent users of the Internet must have a browser which is the entrance of the Internet, UC's desktop, what is it? Browser the user is actively viewing the process, we need to determine the user's research and some push over, the equivalent of the desktop is an information courier in front of the show, when you look at the content, or will deploy the browser, the two a relationship is very clear,kids uggs sale, UC desktop is a prerequisite for entry. UC players in what is now the mobile phone operating system which we can not call the phone comes with a good streaming media player, lead us to tie their entire browser page to see more video and other content services, such , we plug with a video, it is a browser plug-ins, so the relationship between the three.

Sina technology: is the core around the browser?

Yu Yongfu: Yes, around the Internet this service platform.

Sina Technology: Just now you also talked about the future and many more surprises, can now first give users will probably have heard about what surprise?

Yu Yongfu: In fact, China's mobile Internet today is where? PC is then narrowband to broadband Internet from the process, UC browser should not only consider the needs of a narrow band in the 2G is equivalent to the Internet, the user needs and experience of the problem, but also very forward-looking perspective, today More and more customers will enter the broadband mobile Internet, broadband mobile Internet in which change, or a browser or do some of our support, we can go to think about. Which in the broadband mobile Internet users will use more and more video streaming services, more and more users will use the SNS in the community, including the SNS in the game, including more and more users will use the traditional sense of the game. Including mobile phones and location of some of the features, I had concluded before the phone with the PC what is the difference? Phone has eyes, a camera, cell phones have the mouth, there is Mike, cell phones have ears and location, these personalized mobile browsing in the process of what will happen change? Along these lines you can see traces of the broadband browser.

Sina technology: Thank you for telling us so much, we also thank Yongfu give us such a good product. Sina also thank Yongfu accept our interview. Thank you!


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UCWEB for Symbian S60 V3 / V5 7.2 full version

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UCWEB browser for WindowsCE & Meizu official version of 7.2 < / p>

UCWEB browser for iPhone 7.1 full version

Video Interview with Yu Yongfu media Source: Sina Technology Play Video

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