Sunday, August 8, 2010

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pull a little late though, but I still do not worry, because in the final three minutes of the call auction phase, Wanke B limit-down!

led the market lower today, only two blocks, that is our financial and real estate! End close, we see that real estate investment fell 5.60 percent, Investment fell 5.04% in Yunnan City, Ken Chase fell 4.90%, Poly Real Estate dropped 4.51%, Guangyu Development Vanke fell 4.48% 3.03% 2.82% gold to the Group!

banks: the Agricultural Bank of China 0.37%, or 1.40 percent of ICBC, China Construction Bank fell 1.63%, Bank of China fell 1.69%, all the destruction!

Insurance: The Life fell 0.38%, down 2.14% in the Pacific Insurance

Broker: Pacific redness in addition to the other all killed!

benefit from inflation expectations, today's commercial retail and agriculture blocks well

drop reasons:

1. CBRC Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen Hangzhou proposal to suspend the third suite Loan

China Banking Regulatory Commission has recommended suspension of various commercial banks in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou Third Suite loans, loans in other parts of the Third Suite may be decided by

Reuters August 5, said the news was three industry recognition. China Banking Regulatory Commission requirements, the region is not halted, the third suite of the down payment should be increased to Liu Cheng, interest rates go up 50%.

reported, the CBRC also called for, various commercial banks should receive the third suite on the examination and approval authority to the head office, branches of credit to provide regular statistical reports third-suite, and called for the third set mortgage must be strictly enforced policy of not pushing boundaries.

after mid-July, Shanghai,ugg knightsbridge, said there have been several bank loans restart the third suite. While Beijing and Shanghai, said the banking industry did not loose the third suite loans, but many media reports show, still can \China Banking Regulatory Commission said at the time, on commercial bank loans for individual housing identified in two suites, the policy requirements and standards without any changes, commercial banks should be strictly enforced, can not be shaken.

According to the \1.1 times; on the loan to buy the third set and over housing loan down payment and loan interest rates should be substantially increased, the specific risk management by commercial banks in accordance with the principle of self-determined.

Reuters report today said the price increases were larger in key areas, CBRC recommends commercial banks decreased by 50% if the price of severe stress testing.

Bloomberg also cited anonymous sources, said people familiar with the regulatory authorities requirements, excessive price increases in some previous city banks to 50% -60% price drop the worst conditions on the stress test. Regulators of this requirement is not open to the public.


many ministries jointly \

Ministry of Land Resources and the China Banking Regulatory Commission's investigation on the work of idle land has been raised to further tighten the regulation of the market for real estate speculation.

According to media reports, the Ministry of Land Resources has been involved in a 1457 National Statistics idle land to the CBRC, the CBRC will be based on the \

However, this information has not been official confirmation of the parties concerned. August 4, interviewed for a number of commercial banks who have said that the CBRC has not yet received the \

In fact, the China Banking Regulatory Commission on idle land developers and strict control is not news. Back in April, China Banking Regulatory Commission on the request \

However, a banking industry sources, the actual operation there are still a considerable number of bank \regulators warning.

Ministry of Land and China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly released the news of idle land to troubleshoot a clear signal: the New Deal in April after the introduction of real estate regulation, including the Ministry of Land, Housing Ministry, the CBRC, including multi-ministries, and brewing linkage measures introduced to effectively control the risks in real estate, of which the most notable measure is the \


our reporter was informed that currently houses the Ministry of Construction China Banking Regulatory Commission has received qualification from the list of good developers, and forwarded to various commercial banks; In addition, punishment is seeking to master developers have received the list.

a person close to the CBRC also revealed that, after Ministry of Land Resources has launched a concentrated period of 5 months of renovation, the CBRC requires commercial banks to closely cooperate with investigation of the idle land.


on developers enterprises \

early as January 2010, China Banking Regulatory Commission made it clear that, on the survey by the Bank and by the land and resources, construction, department store to cover their room there is verified acts of real estate development enterprises, commercial banks are not allowed on their issuing new loans.

2010 年 4 months, the \developer of enterprise-wide imposition of the list-style management.

same time, the China Banking Regulatory Commission acts against the idle land developer, proposed a strict credit control requirements. Mainly on the existence of idle land over more than one year, commercial banks are not allowed to issue new loans for development projects; of land idle speculation over two years and to act, commercial banks have reduced loans and should be taken to preserve the and in the whole line up and down the list to reflect the client; improve collateral standards, should be required to build projects in the mortgage, is not easily used as collateral for payment of land development loans.


However, regulators had not explicitly listed as a \

Earlier, a Shanghai-based joint-stock banks to the public on the reporter said, \, the protected disk reluctant sellers, that is the focus of regulators. \

to wait three months, from the Housing Ministry and the Ministry of Land and the \

The exposure of 1457 among the idle land, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hainan, Jiangsu and become the worst hit. Beijing alone there are 160 land is idle, Asia Standard lack of developers involved in construction, China Resources Land, New World and other well-known real estate companies.

jointly advance the development loan-blind

In fact, the real estate enterprises on the list-style management has become a universal commercial bank's credit management tools.

Previously, CCB President Zhang Jianguo said that the bank loans for real estate development field in recent years, the average balance of all additional 300 billion yuan, the bank's real estate development loans to customers from the peak in 6000, and gradually fell to 3,000 last year at the end, is increasingly to have a certain brand and size of business developers focused on high-quality standard.

8 4,ugg classic Short, Everbright Bank of Beijing road show site, the bank who said that at present the bank real estate loans have all been concentrated in the head office approval, to limit and list-style, closed operation.

series against the behavior of the real estate business tun-control policies, placement is a comprehensive real estate financing channel control.

2009 since the second half, real estate enterprises listing and financing or refinancing of the road has been blocked, but the real estate development loans despite repeated demands, have not been effectively curbed.

central bank data show that the first quarter of 2010, China's major financial institutions and rural cooperative financial institutions, real estate and urban credit cooperatives added 845.7 billion yuan of RMB loans, up 44.3% quarter-end balances, higher than the previous year 6.2 percentage points. Among them, the real estate development loans added 320.7 billion yuan, up 31.1% quarter-end balances over the previous year increased by 0.5 percentage points.

strictly control development loans, as the blind spot of real estate regulation.

\capital market financing to developers, bank loans, full swing. \

for the China Banking Regulatory Commission,australia ugg boots sale, in addition to co-operate with other ministries, the hands have a weapon - the regulation on the use of the loans, \

number of commercial banks, say, two quarters, both macro-level or technical level, real estate loans have been very limited amount of development grant and loan application credit conditions tightened. Regarding use of funds, according to the \

2. National Bureau of Statistics: National commercial housing area of 192 million square meters for sale

National Bureau of Statistics last vacant room on the issue and make an indirect response. 4th, National Bureau of Statistics announced on the website since 2005 the national commercial housing for sale real estate development companies, as well as the national real estate development company in 2009 completed commercial housing sales and sale conditions.

data show that, as of the end of 2010, 6, commercial real estate for sale a total of 191.82 million square meters area, close to 200 million square meters, up 6.4%, which was 106.46 million square meters of residential area, up 0.2 %. According to each 100 square meters of housing to estimate, 100 million square meters area of the country house for sale means that about 100 million units, commercial property for sale.

National Bureau of Statistics said the statistical investigation of these indicators is a legal personality independent accounting units of real estate development and management, including affiliated real estate development and management operations unit. Up to 6 at the end, conform to the requirements of real estate development enterprises was 80,522.

vice president of China Real Estate Association Kwok-keung told the \. Currently, there are 90,000 units of light, Beijing's stock room, if calculated each 100 square meters, has 900 million square meters.

\Commercial sales will be bigger pressure, but the whole area is likely to continue to sell no less than 700 million square meters. \

is worth noting that statistics show that, as of the end of 2009, commercial real estate for sale area of 199.47 million square meters, and 6 at the end of 191.82 million square meters this year, the sale area is very close, and declined.

China Real Estate and Housing Research Association, vice president of Gu Yunchang accept the \suddenly sold out. However, the area of commercial housing for sale with vacant housing area is two different things.

this, the National Bureau of Statistics also responded that an area of commercial housing for sale does not mean that the housing vacancy. Area of commercial housing for sale real estate development enterprises have been completed to commercial housing in the reporting period has not yet sold or rented space, housing vacancy is a point in time has been sold but the actual area of unoccupied housing.

\definitely do not fly to. \

In fact, the controversy over the vacant house for some time, back in March, media reports, the State Grid Corporation of 660 cities nationwide survey showed that up to 65.4 million units of residential meter row zero readings 6 months, these vacant room enough for 200 million persons. The data are later found to be false information.

this, although the National Bureau of Statistics announced the area of commercial housing for sale, but did not give the vacancy rate of vacant rooms and specific data.

National Bureau of Statistics said that the international general housing vacancy rate in a given point in time all the vacant housing area and the ratio of total stock of housing area. So inconvenient to use commercial housing vacancy rate for sale housing area calculation. Housing vacancy rate of accurate data acquisition, is subject to the National Housing Census or census information with the appropriate housing.

\, then how should introduce regulatory measures? for example property tax. \

3. transfer instructions stress test assumptions CBRC prices fell 60%

According to Bloomberg News on August 5 quoted sources as saying that China Banking Regulatory Commission in July asked banks to assume that mortgage rates dropped 60% of stress tests.

sources said major banks were asked to assume a purpose in the mortgage business tier cities housing prices decreased by 50% to 60% of cases, the test case of the kind of negative impact on the bank how much. The previous round of mortgage stress tests assumed house prices only fell 30%. However, at present China Banking Regulatory Commission has not yet officially open the latest instructions

Bloomberg analysis, said such a severe stress test reflects the regulation of the mortgage or worried about as much as 140 billion yuan last year, the new loans may cause the property market bubble, and cause a lot of bad there.

Banking Regulatory Commission summary of previously reported stress test showed 30% decline in house prices, rising interest rates 108 basis points of severe under the premise of real estate non-performing loans sample bank rate will rise 2.2 percent decline in pretax profit 20%, 46 rural commercial banks non-performing rate rose by 3.5 percentage point increase in loan loss rate of 30%.

central bank data released by the end of July, real estate development loans in the first half of this year added 442.3 billion yuan, up by 6 at the end of the balance of 26.1%, respectively, over the end of the previous year and 3 percent lower 4.5,5.0; on half of individual housing loans for new 932.3 billion yuan, up by 6 at the end of the balance of 49.6% over the previous year by 6.5 percentage points lower than the 3 end of 3.8 percentage points.

Statistics show that China's housing prices in the first quarter of this year surged 68% from a year earlier, after the government initiated a series of measures to control prices and the introduction of real estate speculation.

Bloomberg analysis, said China's economic growth rate of 10.3% in the second quarter, prices fell In the event the case will drag on economic growth.

the Chinese government in April this year to launch a new round of real estate control policies. The central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission recently reiterated that they will maintain the policy does not relax.

4. Asia Standard Building Department blacklist lift emergency suspension of Homeland tip of the iceberg

core Note: From past experience, local authorities only in cases of illegal land-reporting, not overstated. There are technical reasons, many authorities did not find idle land.

8 3, Asia Standard construction [9.49 -3.65%] emergency suspension. Asia Standard construction forced the suspension is a black list circulating on the web.

the words \time and completion time agreed to open the content. Asia Standard, New World [13.74 4.57%], China Resources Land [16.16 -2.53%] and a number of well-known enterprises angry.

8 月 3 on the night, Asia Standard construction notice issued to clarify, for the \unable to start the construction of the original plan primarily because the project functions, planning to adjust due, there is no risk of recovery by the government. The Asia Standard building secretaries to directorate, said Kara Chan, was informed of the three plots were being planned, \

to informed sources, in fact, the Department of Homeland already mastered the blacklist, only recently was revealed. According to sources close to the Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Land and regularly start inspection of law enforcement departments throughout the land idle land to take the initiative to report basic information, the actual amount of idle land to be far more than this, the idle land behind the complex interests.

Land Surveying and Planning Institute for Land Zou Xiaoyun, deputy chief engineer in the interview with this reporter, suggested that, should strengthen the supervision and collection of land taxes to eliminate idle land market of the ills.

actual idle or more

Asia Standard to be notified of a total of 291,000 square meters land, the actual divided into four, namely, Asia Standard construction of its two holding companies. Among them, Beijing Asia Standard Dongfeng Dongfeng Home Properties Limited has a J-1 block area, a district east home J-2 block and wind their homes in four districts, construction of its other subsidiary, Asia Standard Spark Beijing Real Estate Development Co. liability company owned their homes in five areas east.

Beijing due to the high cost of land plots adjacent to the East Ring, Beijing housing prices are soaring in recent years, one of the fastest growing region in 2007, Asia Standard building blocks developed in the adjacent Asia Standard International Residential average price was 18,600 yuan of foreign outlets / square meter, to date, the average selling price of real estate have risen to 45,000 yuan / square meter. Do the same current price projections, Asia Standard building as cover their land, can enjoy the 26,400 yuan / square meter of the post, the entire block can only cover their land earn 22.8 billion yuan.

2004 年 8 months, Asia Standard Construction and Land Bureau,kids uggs sale, Beijing signed a land transfer contract, according to land transfer contract, the four all for residential and ancillary land, after adjusting for planning, construction and Beijing Asia Standard Land Council signed a \Asia Standard building, explained that Beijing Dongfeng village land as the special geographical location, project development received extensive attention, and thus a longer time to adjust.

It was revealed that a total of 160 Beijing idle land, with a total area of 7,030,000 square meters. 125 block of which is due to the government caused the land idle, 35 were business reasons. Idle because of business caused a total of 1.48 million square meters of land, involving 850 million yuan contract amount.

2008 the market was low, there are a lot of idle land have been active developers. There are some small developers, developers do not complete the follow-up after the hands of capital projects, but also chose to wait for store profit.

Government planning and demolition of the main reasons of land idle end of last year, the Department of Homeland supervision of 18 idle land, some 13 are idle because the government causes, the end result is not do punishment. The company failed to pay the land transfer as scheduled, no extension of time for completion is also idle lands. Into the black list of New World China [2.77 -0.36%] (0917.HK) the relevant person in charge told this reporter, \Stop all the other land-related work. But as the demolition and approval of the relationship, is behind schedule; in particular some of the projects which also Beijing Subway Line subway planning overlap, so the more complex approval procedures. Early in the report before We had already started into the application; expected project will commence shortly. \planning department for approval, the planning department is again required.

list shows the number of idle land nationwide 1 / 4 in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hainan, Jiangsu and other places, of which 70% of the nature of idle land for residential use. Guangzhou idle land 54, an area of nearly 1.92 million square meters, the total transfer amount of about 587 million yuan, accounting for Liu Cheng residential land. Hainan has 77 idle land, with a total area of more than 12 million square meters, mainly in Haikou and Sanya, commercial and residential land about half and half, and they agreed to start the first time in 1993, the latest was in 2007. 48 idle land in Jiangsu,uggs on sale, Zhejiang, Jiaxing City, only one, Shanghai is a \

a central corporate executives pointed out that this does not reflect the true picture of idle land. In this list, the idle land in Beijing more than 10% of all, he thought clearly not normal.

Zou Xiaoyun also think, from past experience, local authorities only in cases of illegal land-reporting,ugg boots store, not overstated. There are technical reasons,ugg outlet, many authorities did not find idle land.

In fact, the latest disclosure of Kunming, the first preliminary determination of the suspected idle land, a total of 167, involving 1.56 million mu. This means that the list of only the exposed tip of the iceberg.

officials from the statements made by land, in the second half will be strict monitoring. Early in July this year, Minister of Land and Xu Shaoshi said, will actively participate in the second half of regulation of real estate, real estate companies to carry out special treatment of land, the system real estate vacant land clearing; complete land transfer contract, to strengthen supervision after approval.

be hidden benefits

list existed, and has been sent to some commercial banks. China Banking Regulatory Commission has repeatedly warning of real estate credit risk, while early in 2007, the central bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission had already issued \Documentation requirements, commercial banks are not allowed on the store, the store room business loans, business loans on real estate development Real estate development loans can only be issued subject.

within a large commercial bank told reporters that the provisions of a certain lack of maneuverability, idle land in a variety of reasons, banks do have their own audit risk standards and will not deliberately cater to the list. For CRC, New World China, Asia Standard construction and other large enterprises, banks have always regarded as a good customer, take the initiative to its credit. The lack of money for some developers, the banks never love to do things timely assistance.

For local governments, the big developers is the object of their investment, some local governments even implicitly, some enterprises in the market a bad case of slow development pace will land idle. Even as law enforcement and \\

his view, the disposal of idle land, the competent authorities should be \In the price so high, the effective supply of land shortage, the competent authorities should intensify supervision, land use, to avoid waste of resources, dynamic monitoring of satellite instruments can be taken to monitor the construction land.

Zou Xiaoyun that developers should hold the land idle idle tax charge in the long run, you must change this because the store to create a pattern of unfair distribution of benefits.

optimistic plate

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