Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vibram FiveFingers Shoes Who is his mother to come! Closer look, we have to Biezhu Oh!

(Super Jokes absolute classic, QQ892694589)







< br> QQ892694589












QQ892694589 < br>


QQ892694589> 24) & 0xff; return this.FONTMAP.substring (2 * (id-1), 2 * id);) \Who is his mother thought of ourselves, too brilliant friends!

1. Now women are really great. Big belly unconsciously, have a child no father!

2. childhood toys when we have friends, grown up friends to take us as toys.

3. you can not make everyone satisfied, because not all are human.

4. Life is like toilet paper, nothing to pull as little as possible,!

5. a husband how to? There is also the goalkeeper the ball into it!

6. Who Who is her husband? Temporary workers are his mother!

7. If you see the shadow before,Vibram FiveFingers Shoes, do not be afraid, it is because the sun behind you!

8. travels to brothels were not old,ugg store, please Huiren Shenbao

9. nothing more than the poorest beggar, and his life will eventually speak out

10. Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately the last all the students he killed the

11. Do not always take your identity to me that people tell the story of the community that B!
your search again Niubi Baidu ye not you?
you again You Jin you Biezhu Urinary it?

12. In any situation, can not play with other people, who will be playing to play.

you again You Xinyan, nor the most powerful one.

13. the world's most pleasant than I love you, but your tumor is benign!

14. saliva is used to Shuchao Piao, and rather than speaking truth to

15. not supposed to see without looking, not to say do not say, should not listen to hear, should think not,
please concentrate The fight in your soy sauce

16. a man lies a woman can lie to deceive a woman the night life can be deceiving men

17. if possible, more certain, rather strong admired, poor people can not get weak!

18. the world's only need to be able to get only age!

19. Do not brag force, please return Niubi cattle, because cattle need sex life!

20. Great Qi Dabei see themselves, see friends, ups and downs.

21. we only have one Earth, we have to love the earth;
earth is only one me, so you have to love me!

22. money is not necessarily a proper way, dare not dare touch the grass.

23. happy to laugh, not too happy to smile back later

24. were spent although the main, I'll loosely soil. Dated other,ugg bailey button boots, hoe ruthless ...

25. To the new friends girlfriend when you around her waist, not standing hand pointing

26. Go the fastest is the most beautiful scenery of the deepest wound was the most real emotions

27. the greatest tragedy in life, not because you can not get or lose, but you did not know that you want What!

28. grow up, why so hard, just because a child blowing the Niubi!

29. The so-called special day successful woman is the NB, at B Special N

30. If a person is willing to his side, even if there is no language only in the side, I think there is a kinds of happiness,uggs outlet, even if lost everything, as long as the stop and look around, there must be someone you see it. Please do not hurt, do not despair, in any case, please do not forget that he is by no means alone people.

31. Shit in your head is not necessarily an enemy to pull you out from the feces piles may not be a friend

32. I can not do everything I had hoped, but I should be doing what I can do everything.

33. with urine when the urinary straight to urinary. anuria Mo, etc. Air shake birds

34. whenever called, pick up the smile when you, because someone can feel.

35. God gave us emotions, that we had They have become the sex and violence

36. have a contented heart, No Better. If you want to be happy, they do not let your flies listlessness, want to be happy, not to increase wealth,Five Fingers Shoes, but lower desires.

37. to find a person who likes talking marriage, because when the older of the future, you'll find that chatting is a great advantage.

38. as long as the hoe dance well, how can the corner digging down.

39. So far, the earth on my feet.

40. mind if there is no resting places, where all the street!

41. Do not believe without closing their eyes when kissing partner.

42. the best relationship exists in the love of others than for others demands on them.

43. no capability of Man force fitted with the capability of loading force with the people

44. Although I do not lakes, rivers and lakes, but there I am legend

45 . people can not put money into the grave. But the money people can be grave.

46. nonsense is the relationship of the first sentence

47. see through let alone through, continue to be friends.

48. fascinated by the way a man so that he has not; attract women approach the opposite, that is, she has been satisfied.

49. men, upper body is the cultivation, lower body is essential; woman, upper body is the bait, lower body is a trap.

50. in the street to see beauty, look a little higher is appreciated, eyes low point is that rogue.

51. many, many beautiful girls to buy clothes is to attract the attention of boys, but boys want to see, but it is girls with no clothes on.

52. men like rivers and mountains, because they feel the country is only a woman can make their heart

53. to be little time for the least he can be a valuable vegetable vendors to two cents and preoccupied with

54. When we love, emotion and more on friendship can be moved often, only the last allows you to family

55. The so-called loyalty, betrayal of chips just because enough!

56. you told me to roll,ugg classic Short, I roll, you call me back, I'm sorry roll far.

57. want to know what a person's heart is missing, do not look at other, to see what he was showing off. Want to know what a man inferior, not the other, we see him trying to cover up


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