Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Reprinted teach you to swim, does not travel packages You learn to read! ugg classic Tall

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teach you to swim, do not travel read the packet you learn! ! ! Printing
breaststroke breaststroke with a jingle, in explaining breaststroke action before introduced to the essentials: \float a while. \Hands must be received before the leg, hand and then kick. '
Arm movement:
1, outside the program. Hands reach, palms tilted about 45 degrees (little finger side up). Both hands outward, the rear is zoned, then bent backwards to below the plan.
2, within the program. Palm turned from the outside, the hand-drive arm speed mark,ugg classic Tall, the hand from the bottom up and close together in the chest (hands high elbow low, elbow under the shoulder), protrusion.
3, protrusion. Hands stretched forward (elbow extension). To draw attention to is this: outside the program is relaxed, is a force within the program, and accelerate the completion of, the protrusion is positive.

1, breaststroke complete with action: the rise of ventilation when both hands outside the program, marking his hands when the legs bow slightly suffocating, when the kick expiratory hands protrusion overdone. '
Leg movements:
1. Closing legs: the legs bent, feet closer to the hip, thigh, calf back to hide behind the legs, thus reducing drag. The end of the legs, knees and shoulder width,ugg bailey button boots, leg and vertical surface, feet? Near the water.
2, turned feet: distance greater than two feet from the knees,uggs sale, feet turned outward, toes outward, feet? overturned, legs and feet of water inside align, like the English letter \
3. folder tread water: the process is actually straight legs (hip flexion, knee extension), issued by the waist and thighs while power to the inside of the lower leg and foot while frog water, first out, to After down, then inward, to the top of the tread water, just like painting half a circle. Push outward and inward folder of water Water is continuously done, that is, even tread belt clip. Frog legs close together to complete the water straight, both feet in turn, toe relative. Push the water speed is not excessive, to accelerate from slow to fast tread water, two legs nearly straight and close together when kicking the water the fastest.
4. stop: the legs close together straight after a short slide (1-2 seconds).
freestyle swimming
body movement, any part of the activities are inseparable from the whole body coordination. On the surface, relying on the water and the freestyle kick propulsion, in fact, the trunk can not be ignored. First, the body should maintain a certain tension, the waist if the soft, like a pool of mud as the whole person. Second, the body's rotation can effectively play trunk strength of large muscle groups, reduce resistance and improve work effectiveness.
freestyle complete with many forms. General common stroke 2 per, fetching water six times, breathing 1. '

1, the hand into the water point in the shoulder line and the extension of the body midline, with a thumb lead ramp into the water.
2, into the water, the hand, elbow, shoulder to reach, to stretch the arm. As the body's rotation, wrist flexion, elbow, arm out, grasping the back water; men designated to the lowest point, rotate the arm inward, on the back of the water, to maintain a high elbow bent arm of the water position.
3, perpendicular to the horizontal arm, handling the lead,ugg australia sale, pushing the water to accelerate the arm to the outside, up and behind the water until the leg side, elbow water.
4, water, the arm naturally, relax by the air arm to move forward, to maintain a high elbow position. And then hand in the shoulder before leading into the water, start the next move. '

1, the arm into the curve of the water in the water line, from the side, congratulating each other for the body of the water path for the \
2, freestyle arms with a cross-match before, in the cross-tie, and after the cross with three kinds of basic forms. This picture shows the front cross-form, easy for beginners to grasp way.
arm to draw water arm stroke is to practice for beginners should focus on the action. This diagram, the left arm the water, you can right arm supporting the board. 10 parity generally kick down about one arm stroke. Control to a certain extent, when coupled with breathing exercises can be. Number of specific groups, and practice methods, we will detail in teaching.
leg whip kick:
1, action kick start development effort from the hip, thigh, leg drive, do whip kick motion.
2, until the last kick of the leg from bending. A straight leg and beat up, feet close to the surface when the knees, legs elevation to feet? Above water after the kick down. Straight leg started to fetch water, but the legs slightly relaxed, not rigid, the water pressure in the legs bend naturally. Before kick down about 130-160 degrees of knee bending angle, draw water by about 30-40 cm. Kick feet when stretched (ballet feet), do not hook foot.
1, arm stroke, the effluent to the thumb leading, move arm in arm with the water perpendicular to the upper arm close to the ear. Arm rotation during the shift arm, little finger into the water leading into the water.
2, if the location of the first 12 points for the watch, two hands into the water points in 11 points and 1 point position. Hand into the water under the plan after the first arm.
3, arms and body should be turning the water coordination, poor shoulders evolving position.
4, with the use of arms to cross the water way, that his arms always in the opposite position,ugg boots outlet, arm stroke, the other arm transfer arm.
5, the head is not stable from side to side. '

1, breathing though unrestricted, but the best way of using rhythmic breathing, or to a fixed shift in the arm when the suction arm. After all, the water and moving the body in the water there will be waves and spray. Random breath easily choked water.
2, maintain the level of body posture, trunk and shoulder movements around the longitudinal axis of rotation with the arm, a shoulder is not always above water.
3, usually 2 times per stroke, kick down 6 times,ugg outlet, breathing 1.
4, alternating legs, so whip up and down kick. To be fast and powerful upward kick, feet slightly internal rotation and Bengzhi, legs and feet when the kick down the natural relaxation.

1, move arm in arm close to the body can not be too wide.
2, when the transfer arms if the arms easy to bend,ugg bailey button boots, you can temporarily use the little finger leading the water, the water is used to develop arm after leading the water re-use thumb.
3, the body has to keep stretching, upright, almost horizontal to sit on the water surface, as if lying in bed, the first under a low pillow. '

Recommendations: backstroke legs, thighs hard to understand, under the pressure elevation and must have experience the feeling of thigh leg drive.
butterfly '

1, butterfly hand into the water point in the shoulders of the extension line to the thumb leading into the water ramp.
2, into the water, shoulder, elbow, reach, his hands along the curve outward, back, grasping the bottom of the water. When two hands separately to the shoulder, elbow, accelerate the water.
3, hands separately to achieve the maximum width, the arm turned inward, upward and backward in the water to maintain a high arm elevation, elbow bent. Hands in the chest or under the fuselage, the hand distance between the last.
4, breathe and the water to meet the technology is the key to butterfly. Arm end of the inward stroke, the suction head above water, moving arms into the water when the first reduction. Remember the two \'

1, butterfly stroke with both hands close to his hands from the last time, arm to once again change the direction of the water, turned outward, upward and backward in the water until the water.
2, the water outlet, the arm in the shoulder to move forward, driven by the air arm, ready to enter the water, moving arm generally low, flat, relaxed position forward from both sides.
3, butterfly body position is more difficult to master, and whip kick is not easy to master. In the butterfly study, we have a special decomposition exercises allow you to gradually master the operation of the.

1, butterfly stroke line is generally \
2, note that the limbs move is the butterfly arms, legs at the same time of the service chain.

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