Sunday, August 1, 2010

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Nicholas? Tesla

(Nikola Tesla, 1856 年 7 月 10 日 -1943 on January 7) is the world's greatest inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and one electrical engineer. Serbian origin, was born in Croatia (later incorporated into the Austrian Empire). Tesla is considered an important inventors in history. He in the late 19th century and early 20th century the contribution of the electrical and magnetic properties are well known. His patents and theoretical work form the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including multi-phase power distribution system and AC motor, helping his band for the second industrial revolution.

in the United States, Tesla in history or popular culture can be compared on the reputation of any other inventor or scientist. In 1893 he demonstrated the wireless communications and has become the winner after the current war, it became the United States one of the greatest electronic engineer and respected. The results of many of his early works to become a pioneer of modern electronics, and many of his most groundbreaking and important discovery. In AD 1943, the United States Supreme Court recognized him as the inventor of radio.

use of electricity in the modern world full of Tesla's legacy can be seen. Apart from his work on electromagnetism and achievements, Tesla was considered robotics, ballistics, computer science, nuclear physics and theoretical physics superior contribution in various fields. Tesla later life as a mad scientist and create weird for saying that science was the invention of attention. Many of his achievements have been applied with some controversy, to support many of the pseudo-science, such as the mysterious UFO theory and theory of the new century. Tesla contemporary admirers regard him as a \

forgotten by the world he was a great man. Alternator is his invention,ugg outlet store, but Edison invented his favorite DC generator, strongly suppressed Tesla. If the Tesla is not forced to give up the AC's patent for the world to free use ($ 2.53 per horsepower),ugg boots store, then he will be the world's richest people. His dream was to provide the world with inexhaustible energy. Tesla did not care for his financial situation, the poor and forgotten in the case of death at the age of 86 years. Although he is a peerless genius, but unfortunately not many people remember him.

1856 年 7 月 10, he was born Yugoslavia and Croatia's smilyan, his father is priest and his mother was the inventor of the mixer. Numerous inventions of his life. In 1882, he was following the Edison invented direct current (DC) soon after the invention of the alternating current (AC), and create the world's first AC generator, and the creation of a multi-phase power transmission technology. In 1895, he worked for the U.S. manufacturing Niagara power plant generating units, with the result that the station is still one of the world's leading station. In 1897, he made Marconi radio communications theory a reality. In 1898, he created the world's first a radio-controlled boats, radio remote control technology patent (U.S. Patent # 613.809). In 1899, he invented the X-ray (X-Ray) photography. Other inventions include: radio, radar, fax machines, vacuum tubes, neon tubes, missile navigation, planet defense system. Even his name is named after the magnetic density units (1 Tesla = 10,000 Gause) also show that the magnetism on his contributions.

young, the Tesla is smart, can be completed quickly in the brain in complex calculations,uggs on sale, the teacher always thought he was cheating.

Tesla are fluent in multiple languages. Apart from Croatian, he also said that seven kinds of languages: Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin.

middle age Tesla and Mark Twain became close friends, they spend in the laboratory and elsewhere, a lot of time.

Tesla because he can not deal with intimacy and a lifelong bachelor. 40 years old, he said: \impossible for me to concentrate. It's pity too. For sometimes, I feel so lonely.)

Although his life committed to research and patent inventions made about 1000, but his life's research is not To self-serving. Tesla to create the most productive period was spent in the United States. Even today a large part of which still can not duplicate. For example: Radiation energy receiver. In addition to know that this is a cosmic ray energy on the converter, we know nothing about it works. Unfortunately, the entrepreneur and his contemporaries made use of the genius scientist of love and talent, defrauding his research and honor, for his invention of the wealthy. But Tesla is impoverished, long years of economic hardship. January 5, 1943 to the 8th night some time between the morning, Tesla died alone in New York hotels heart failure at the age of 86 years. AC for refusing to sell his patent, Tesla was already debt-ridden death.

why this extraordinary history, scientists will be forgotten it? Never been everybody's lips? Although the invention that alternative because he has a major contribution to mankind, but at the same time has led many companies to make money instantly collapse, suppressing his people Edison, supported, he abandoned his J. Pierpont Morgan (John? Pier Pang Special? Morgan), etc., after his death a secret U.S. government removed the people of his historical records and reports, most of his research were collected and included in the top secret, so his name was erased.

Age of heresy: the invention of alternating current

age heresy: the invention of AC

1888, when many newspapers are extensive coverage: the famous inventor Thomas Edison (Thomas Edison) announced Nikola Tesla (Nikola Tesla) is a large scientific community, \

But in fact, today we all know, is what the world needs the presence of AC. The invention of alternating current to improve people's lives, enhance the industrial development and expedite the progress of science. But why Edison repeatedly attack and its inventor Tesla AC do? The answer is a direct threat to the emergence of AC operated DC Edison business. Because the DC has a lot of shortcomings and limitations. Such as: the adverse long-distance DC transmission, power stations every 1 km will have to add, but the AC is available as a long-distance power transmission transformer substation; use direct current price is more expensive, and the performance is far less than AC. Based on conflict of interest, they strongly suppress the Tesla Edison's invention.

Before Edison, Tesla was the great scientists were invented 24 new designs, including the DC generator design, patented by Thomas Edison, to mass production. But the rewards of his efforts in return for a cruel hoax and ridicule. A result, Tesla sense of anger and heart from out of Edison and his company. This is the current of history, the prelude to war.

1888, the Tesla by Westinghouse (Westing House) entrepreneur George Westinghouse (Geovge Westing House) to support R & D has thought of a 6-year AC system. Six months later, he developed the alternating current generator patent, and should the United States Institution of Electrical Engineers (American Institute of Electrical Engineers) invited lectures and demonstrations AC system research results. Because the performance of AC better than DC, the AC began to widely used, and gradually replace the traditional direct current location. Driven by the interests of Edison critical of Tesla, and its labeled \Although the AC power supply for industrial and social mainstream, become a daily necessity, but Nikola Tesla (Nikola Tesla) name has been forgotten, or even have not been properly rehabilitated. This is the \

century mark Niagara hydropower

If you have been to the United States Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls), I believe we will be a magnificent spectacle for the site issued heartfelt admiration. Hundreds of tons of water from all directions converging to Shanbengdilie pouring down trend,cheap mbt shoes sale, the impact of the river suddenly rumbling sound daunting. In this steady stream of rivers, bears an unexpected wealth of resources.

1897, the world-famous Niagara hydropower station, the first 100 000-horsepower power plant built 35 km away as Buffalo, NY (The City of Buffalo) the main power supply source. Block was more than 10 large and small power stations have been built, each day is enough to supply electricity produced by the New York State and Ontario, Canada, a quarter of total demand. So far, more than 100 years of the completion of a full power-building continued to function normally, never stopped real estate out of natural energy, can be called human in the past century a great miracle in the history of science.

century of the scientific miracles, is a brilliant scientist Tesla in more than 30 years of age of a design, when the Chinese Communists used his nine patents and inventions, including the Tesla invention of alternating current generators and alternating current transmission technology.

In fact, the then trade and industry, public settings, and home appliances, use an expensive DC. Because the loss in the circuit, the DC will be one kilometer intervals to construct a generating set. Therefore, the construction of Niagara hydropower, if the power to direct current transmission, transmission to 35 kilometers from Buffalo, New York, is impossible. Therefore, Niagara hydropower construction, the Americans used for Tesla invented alternating current, transmission technology, using high-voltage power supply to achieve the distance. The epoch-making invention, not only solved the Niagara power station for long-range problem, and give people a convenient and cheap electricity environment.

later, people park in Niagara Falls, has set a Tesla statue to commemorate his contribution on the Niagara hydropower.

selfless dedication: AC charge-free patent royalties

Tesla's invention of his life he witnessed selfless contribution to society. Although he continued working on his life and creation, and of about 1,000 patents. But he is destitute old age, years of economic hardship. Although many entrepreneurs use the genius scientist of love and talent, defrauding his research and honors, but in his later years he remained for the happiness of mankind's efforts to research and invention.

many inventions in the Tesla, the most public benefit than alternating current (AC) and AC generators. In every corner of the world,uggs on sale, economic and trade development, scientific progress and enjoyment of life are inseparable from the help of AC. The end of 2003 the United States and Europe, the blackout the blackout, once trapped in large social and economic paralysis. As early as 1882, Tesla had invented the world's first alternating current generator,ugg boots outlet, invented in 1885,cheap ugg boots, more current and more is said multiphase power technology is now widely used around the world 50-60Hz (Hz) power transmission method .

1990 年 7 月 10 day intervals Congress meeting, more than 10 U.S. senators remember Tesla 134 years birthday, in recognition of his contribution on the power school, how he changed the publicity understanding of the concept of human power, the Tesla reputation more than the great inventor Thomas Edison.

Edison invented direct current, widely used in electrical appliances, and electricity at the same time was very high, so the output DC operation became the most profitable business at that time. By 1884, Tesla from the Edison company, met head of Westinghouse George Westinghouse (George Westinghouse), and in its support of the AC in 1888 formally brought to the then society. In January 1893 the first World Exposition in Chicago in the opening ceremony, Tesla demonstrated the AC also lit the power supply capacity of 90,000 light bulbs, frighten the audience, because the DC it impossible to achieve this effect. Later, Tesla impressions thus made the host city of Niagara hydropower power design.

from AC energized, replace the DC power into the mainstream. The Tesla has an alternating current patents, each producing an alternating current at the time have to pay one U.S. dollar to the Tesla in royalties. Driven by strong interest in, Tesla was an consortium forces threaten to abandon the franchise, and with intent to exclusively profit. After much negotiations, Tesla decided to give up AC's patent, the patent on condition that the AC will be permanently open. Since then he tore up the AC of the patent, lost the right to collect royalties. From AC no patent, as a free invention.


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