Monday, August 2, 2010

Naval presence 150 days a year for 46 years mountain fog were 10 meters outside the mi ugg boots sa

Officers and men braved light rain, discharge in the playground, \
Root of the officers and men in their spare time writing.

reporter Pei / Man Tang Huiji / map

Navy living in the mountains, working in the mountains. I'm afraid many people are puzzled.

in Dongxing, there is a mountain on the Navy, stationed in the mountains they rarely have the opportunity to touch the water, take the vessel out to sea travel, but the sea voyage the ship was well aware of the situation; on the Navy's share of Love, in the presence of the mountains over many years still persist.

stationed in the Navy for 46 years mountain

\up the hill.

7 28, Dongxing reporters to interview the Navy, thought that would go to the sea, Who knows have to drive up the mountain, this is a strange thing: the car has been climbing the winding roads , in the end of the road and come to a col, facing a piece of open land, built above a two-story buildings, building a basketball court in front, small trees, fish ponds.

radar station at an altitude of more than 300 meters of the col, from buildings overlooking the little plaza in front, you can see the distant northern Gulf waters wide.

Webmaster Yao sea in ships on the original service, and later from the sea here. However, the Navy will have a radar station in 1964. 46 years, groups of Navy fighter after another, silently stationed in remote mountainous areas.

\Reporter saw one to duty at the time a small number of soldiers along the mountain climb to the top,ugg boots sale, into a spherical object to work.

station where the soldiers are mostly professional technical counterparts soldiers. In other units, have 3 years experience to join the army can be called \Here, as the technology matures and the need for a longer period of accumulation, not five or six years of training, can not be called \

fog 150 days a year so that soldiers can hardly put

soldiers stationed stations from all over the country, there are Anhui, Hebei, Liaoning, Shaanxi native soldiers, to soldiers to those said, stationed in the mountains, the most difficult to accept is that fog.

Yao said to the Ocean, where the terrain is rather special, hidden in a col, may lead to the strange weather conditions. More than 150 days a year here, the day was foggy, the fog comes, the fog inside the nest in col difficult to disperse, and sometimes people can not see beyond 10 meters, only groping walk.

fog also bring a lot of harm. First, stand in straight and stand in the building walls, fog days are always wet, and not turn black a few years, need to re-paint. Warrior's quilt in the fog is often wet, difficult to dry clothes. So many soldiers came to rheumatism, arthritis.

veterans Liu is from Hubei, the station had already been stationed for 14 years, is the oldest station in the old soldier, his trousers rolled up to reporters to see, his knees covered with cream to treat rheumatism . Xu Bin, deputy Webmaster Nanning who is also regarded as local. He said membership of his comrades too much for not only the north, even the weather here, he also feels strange. Sometimes, it rains almost every day for three months, the outside may be hot, there is still rain started falling.

station planted many fruit trees,ugg outlet, a longan, litchi, mango, etc., but only decorative,uggs on sale, as are the fog, the weather during flowering fruit trees,uggs on sale, no sun attention, \

humid environment for too much here, snake, cobra, snake and centipede, etc. Gold Ring frequented stations. On several occasions, the snake went directly to the soldiers quarters, the centipede hidden in the shoes of soldiers inside. On one occasion,cheap uggs boots, Yao entered the room from the outside ocean, hiding inside a large centipede into his feet is one.

now, the new soldiers stop, one of the elements required courses is anti-snake. Do exercise every day,ugg adirondack, leaders must carefully explain to the soldiers snakes, night duty soldiers to carry a flashlight.

\of. The art should not be bigger way, and some like a soldier walking in the mountain, or like a sailing ship. Instructor Hu Jianbing that abandoned hill off the roots, with some soldiers to pass the time, collecting all kinds of bizarre roots myself Root, first on the basis of the original engraved die, marked with tung oil after forming.

later, stand in the leadership of the soldiers like to do root carving, root carving will be all together,ugg boots uk, set up a root carving exhibition room, encouraging soldiers later imagination and practical ability, their own Root. Technology generally, it is still more of a meaningful activity and can pass the time.

at the station, in addition to billiard room, computer room, chess room and small library, as well as fitness room with fitness equipment. Station where there is a special entertainment program, which is 8 km away from the \As the work in the mountains, living, conditions are limited, soldiers from local materials, like many ideas, but the \

\Asked the feelings of the arrival of relatives, his wife said lightly, as busy with work, here more than 10 days, and her husband just bought with them the first thing to Dongxing street.

Yao Ocean that force can be provided to the resident family members each year to visit relatives once a wife is a teacher, can only come summer. Every time her father are particularly pleased to see in Guangxi, a special stick he came here. But their very busy and rarely have the opportunity to take them out to play. His most gratifying is that the daughter is April 23, 2005 born, April 23 is just the Chinese navy set up, let him particularly proud of the Navy.

soldiers stationed in the mountains, the basic one month to down time, usually in addition to raising their own fish, pig, the eating is sent from the foot of the mountain.

come to send a press encounter fellow Ruancheng Hua Jing dish, he is Dongxing old members, in order to ensure the soldiers to eat fresh vegetables every day, he made no bad weather, the daily ride Motorcycle send food up the mountain, and sometimes he was ill, will help send his son to care. The old man said, the soldiers in the mountains so bitter that he can help, can be considered to support the troops right place.

Yao Ocean that usually, Dongxing some units and soldiers were gathering at the mountain. Many people understand the mountains of the Navy, that why the Navy stationed in the mountains, not the expertise to play in the sea. In fact, as the Navy's radar, although not to the sea fighting, but the soldiers feel that the sea has been close.

press into the station, the first thing you see is a basketball court next to a stone inscribed with a red characters \Halfway in the mountains, there is a stone tablet, engraved is \

Yao ocean that each new soldiers come to stand in will tell him that it feels like home, you will carry on with the various actions will be integrated into the collective, the soldiers, leadership love each other like brothers, it will not \Only keep in mind the mission of soldiers themselves, think of the Navy of the responsibility, so that soldiers feel that there will be no white one back here.


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