Sunday, August 1, 2010

chi flat irons Education experts to parents of 100 suggestions!

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education articles:
1. Spend half an hour and child communication.
2. And children at home should use civilized language, \
3. Love your child develop good health habits.
4. Listen to the voices of children! - With patience, with love, with a happy heart is a long with the eyes!
5. Not to remind children, and children are always exposed scars.
6. Serious that the child's mistake!
7. Do not always on the seriousness children, and children to laugh more: more love for life, laughter can children; guide their children positive, relaxed and happy looking at things.
8. Telling stories to children, be patient, the story has some educational value.
9. Do not impose that year did not achieve the ideal of the children, want children to achieve.
10. Care for children, but the appropriate penalty is the appropriate time needed, not to protect children short.
11. Education is not necessarily just and reasonable, sometimes due to take some tough measures.
12. Combined with the child's performance, thinking at least one day a child growing up on the issue.
13. On Children in art education and training child care and elegant aesthetics, attention to guide and enrich children's perceptual, in nature promote children's emotional experience, is very useful.
14. Duiyu early childhood,chi flat irons, children, do not let them and their own time to live with their parents, Ge Dai Geng pro is not conducive to education. Perhaps there is no scientific reason, but definitely applicable.
15. Attention to fostering children's charity. An old saying: Do not to bad on minor occasions, do good not to.
16. Church child smile, smiling face all of life, smiling face life.
17. Wishing the children do not make a commitment should be honored by all means do.
18. To often empathy! Done on children, parents should think so often of empathy, if I was a child, I would like?
19. To the child some space and freedom, and to a certain degree of pressure and responsibility!
20. Explain to the child, and he is very cute, and no need to express themselves.
21. Never said that poor children than other children.
22. Not to punish the child with verbal abuse.
23. Dry matter of the child, constantly looking for something to be applauded.
24. Do not scare kids. To avoid the child too timid and fearful.
25. Do not publicly criticize and ridicule the child to avoid mental abnormality, loss of self-confidence and so on.
26. Not too harsh on children. So that the children fear, not shy to express their views, to develop a face good-hearted evil character.
27. Do not over-praise children. So that the children become \
28. Do not imply that children do bad things. For example, it is absolutely necessary to fight back, their stuff does not give any other food,MBT Shoes Cheap, no booking travel.
29. Let the child set the correct idols.

growth Posts:
1. To the child some private space.
2. Kids choices and rights.
3. Let children choose their own partners and friends.
4. Let the children do want to do.
5. Whatever your child to do some housework, such as wash their own clothes, cooking and water heating, so that he realized he was a member of the family members.
6. Prepare a display rack for the children, let him above the display to produce their own goods.
7. Child seriously raised serious questions and comments.
8. Like the children as adults, and his equals, with the child as their friend.
9. Discover the child's progress bit by bit, know how to appreciate kids.
10. I remember the child said: I love you, you are my baby!
11. I remember always kiss your child, hug him (her), felt his (her) head, so that he (she) know that you love!
12. Always concerned about his (her) progress, and let him (her) own know your progress! Discover the child's progress bit by bit, know how to appreciate kids.

13. More with their children communicate with their children, understand their children,ugg boots, and child peers.
14. Do not give children labeled \
15. Parents should patiently listen to children's worries.
16. Praise their children to learn in good faith, rather than as pets say \
17. Let the children have regular opportunities together with his companions.
18. Concerned about the child's physical health, more concerned about the child's emotional needs.
19. First adult and then taught, the fundamental goal of education is to train people, a healthy person.
20. Create some difficulties in life, and children spend together.
21. Encourage your child to try not to rely on adults.
22. What about child friends,cheap australia ugg boots, it is very important.

chapter of life: < br> 1. Give them some money, let the children learn financial management.
2. Not the child's permission, do not look at children's diaries and letters.
3. And children often picnic.
4. Bedtime stories to the children talk about, let the children sleep with a smile!
5. One of the main for his kids play room or part of the room.
6. If qualified, a day after dinner and the children outdoors for a walk.
7. Share with your children happy!
8. Happy smile on the little guy and hope he (she) would often laugh!
9. Help children with different social and cultural sectors from the normal exchanges between children.
10. Encourage children and free association of people of all ages.
11. To keep children out of the real \
12. Church kids cycling, swimming, this is one of the basic skills to enter society.
13. Greeting each other with the children every morning, so he felt a great day to come.
14. Husband and wife is to fight, be sure to keep in mind: to avoid the child
15. See their children home from work every day, the first smile and ask again: child, happy are you today?
16. Not left too many intangible heritage, to give him a healthy body, give him a mental health, a happy life.
17. Focus to children's life skills and behavioral habits.
18. Insofar as the creation of dust, do not blame the kids room or on your desktop chaos
19. Parents to honor their parents, have added to let the children feel at home full of love, while their parents are an example worth following
20. Inter parents humility to each other, mutual understanding
21. Do not be too concerned about the children. \
22. Do not be too close to the child. Him with many contacts between children of similar age, so that the children develop unsociable habit.
23. Do not buy a child to Sha Sha. Let him know that \So as not to shame children into indolent many of the character.
24. The difficulties of life as well as some family events and children sometimes talk talk.
25. Love for the child to stabilize, not now clear, now cloudy.

learning articles:
1. And children reading together, parents can see that a good learning partner is very important.
2. Children learn at home, parents should by no means engage in some recreational activities, a comfortable learning environment is very important.
3. Do not force kids to things they do not like.
4. Do not scold the child's performance and the child.
5. Not because the child's low score on the test but that the children sterile.
6. Teach him (her) could bring a sense of achievement of knowledge: poetry, figures, stories, home, play, make friends???
7. Educate their children read good books,cheap uggs boots, good reading
8. Do not express much the child's academic concerns that would cause a child to learn stress, pressure.
9. Do the child's achievement compared with other children, to analyze the reasons for this phenomenon to reflect on whether it is their responsibility.
10. Children's room to have their own desk, desk have several of their love of books, such as the \

Entertainment articles:
1. And the children watching his favorite cartoon, along with listening to his want to hear stories.
2. And children playing games and exercise.
3. Control of the time children watch TV every day for half an hour to an hour in between.
4. Allow more children the number of children's programs: cartoons, educational shows and so little to see action movies, drama series.
5. When children watch television, and parents in a timely manner to accompany them, and some of the content inside the lecture and discussion.
6. Spring can be kids biking to hiking in the summer with their children to the river swimming, autumn is carrying a wok and children to picnic, a family of three opposition on the ground in winter snowball fights, snowman.
7. Allow the child to collect all kinds of waste.
8. Children's friends when our guest welcome.
9. And children playing chess, let the children know the expanded store-opening no regrets, education, doing things his own to be responsible, under the same time to admit defeat, parents sometimes have to let go and let the children win 12,ugg store, it is important for children.


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